Ferihegy repülőtér: Teljes kép az Aeroflot SU95 2019. május 5-i moszkvai balesetéről

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Accident: Aeroflot SU95 at Moscow on May 5th 2019, aircraft bursts into flames during rollout and burns down

By Simon Hradecky, created Sunday, May 5th 2019 16:19Z, last updated Monday, May 6th 2019 23:10Z

An Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100-95, registration RA-89098 performing flight SU-1492 from Moscow Sheremetyevo to Murmansk (Russia) with 73 passengers and 5 crew, departed Sheremetyevo's runway 24C at 18:04L (15:04Z) but stopped the climb at about FL100 following a lightning strike, declared loss of radio communication first, later emergency via transponder codes and returned to Sherementyevo for a landing on runway 24L at 18:31L (15:31Z). During the roll out the aircraft burst into flames, veered left off the runway and came to a stop on the grass adjacent to the runway, the aircraft burned down. 41 occupants perished in the accident (28 occupants still missing were declared dead), 35 occupants were able to evacuate the aircraft via both front door emergency slides, the 2 flight crew escaped via the escape ropes through the cockpit windows, there were 11 injuries. The aircraft's tail section completely burned down and was destroyed.

Emergency services reported the fire was extinguished about 45 minutes after landing. According to preliminary information there were 10 fatalities. Emergency services later updated the count to 13 fatalities, 6 injuries and a still undetermined number of missing occupants.

Russian News Agencies claim the aircraft received a lightning strike causing a total electrical failure and subsequent return and a hard landing.

Russia's Emergency Ministry originally claimed all occupants had evacuated the aircraft and were accounted for.

Local hospitals report more than 10 people on board of the aircraft are being treated.

Moscow's Interregional Transport Prosecution Office opened an investigation into the emergency landing at Moscow Sheremetyevo. The office initially confirmed one fatality, later confirmed 13 fatalities including two children. The Prosecution Office subsequently reported, only 37 occupants have been accounted for and are alive, 41 people are feared dead.

The Investigative Commission of the Russian Federation opened an investigation into the accident, the office declared 41 occupants of the aircraft (40 passengers, one crew) dead, 37 occupants are alive.

The Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK) have opened an investigation and are going to read out two of the black boxes, that have been recovered from the wreckage. On May 6th 2019 the MAK formally announced Superjet RRJ-95B registration RA-89098 suffered an accident at Moscow Sheremetyevo causing the death of 40 passengers and one crew member, the aircraft partially burned out. The MAK have formed a commission which started its work.

Late May 6th 2019 the MAK reported the CVR is in satisfactory condition, the FDR however was exposed to intense heat and was sustantially damaged. Specialists are dismantling the recorder and preparing the storage media for copying the data.

Aeroflot reported there have been fatalities, the number is being determined. In the evening the airline released a list of 33 passengers name, who have survived the accident, of those 5 were hospitalized. 

Listeners on frequency report the aircraft lost radio contact at about FL100 and returned to Sheremetyevo without radio contact with ATC.

A ground observer reported he witnessed the landing. The aircraft bounced, on the third critical touchdown both main gear struts collapsed and the aircraft caught fire.

On May 6th 2019 Roaviatsia (Russia's CAA) reported a static atmospheric discharge at about 2100 meters (6900 feet MSL) resulted in the failure of the radios and other equipment including the autopilot. The crew returned to Sheremetyevo squawking loss of radio contact, subsequently emergency. While landing on runway 24L the aircraft experienced a rough landing, bounces and partial destruction of the aircraft. Following the 4th touch down fire broke out at the tail section of the aircraft and the aircraft veered left off the runway coming to a stop between taxiways A2 and A3. The aircraft burned partially out, there were fatalities and injuries.

A video shows no smoke and no fire from the aircraft prior to touchdown.

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Címkék: aeroflot su95 moszkva murmanszk



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