Ferihegy repülőtér: NASA-felvételek az izlandi vulkánról

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Ha már nem tudunk repülni - légtérzár alatt az ország - nézzünk pár felvételt a légterünk lezárásának okáról:



A nagy-britanniai és észak-európai légiközlekedés összeomlását okozó hamufelhők egy izlandi gleccservulkánból erednek, amelynek fokozott aktivitása még márciusban kezdődött. A NASA elmúlt három hétben készült felvételei ezt az aktivitást mutatják be.



2010. március 24.

Fotó: NASA Observatory



2010. március 26.

Fotó: NASA Observatory



2010. április 1.

Fotó: NASA Observatory




2010. április 4.

Fotó: NASA Observatory



Címkék: nasa; vulkán; izland; vulkáni hamu; izlandi vulkánkitörés; vulkáni hamufelhő; űrfelvételek; nasa-felvételek;



Ez egy válasz üzenetére.



B Klári üzente 14 éve

The air traffic agency Eurocontrol said almost two-thirds of Europe's flights were canceled Friday, as air space remained largely closed in Britain and across large chunks of north and central Europe.

"The skies are totally empty over northern Europe," said Brian Flynn, deputy head of Eurocontrol, adding "there will be some significant disruption of European air traffic tomorrow."

The agency said about 16,000 of Europe's usual 28,000 daily flights were canceled Friday — twice as many as were canceled a day earlier.

U.S. airlines canceled 280 of the more than 330 trans-Atlantic flights of a normal day, and about 60 flights between Asia and Europe were canceled.

The International Air Transport Association said the volcano was costing the industry at least $200 million a day.

Southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull (ay-yah-FYAH'-plah-yer-kuh-duhl) volcano began erupting for the second time in a month on Wednesday, sending ash several miles (kilometers) into the air. Winds pushed the plume south and east across Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia and into the heart of Europe.

Gray ash settled in drifts near the glacier, swirling in the air and turning day into night. Authorities told people in the area with respiratory problems to stay indoors, and advised everyone to wear masks and protective goggles outside.

Aviation experts said it was among the worst disruptions Europe has ever seen.

"We don't have many volcanoes in Europe," said David Learmount of Flight International, an aviation publication. "The wind was blowing in the wrong direction."


B Klári üzente 14 éve

The ash cloud, drifting between 20,000 to 30,000 feet (6,000 to 9,000 meters) high and invisible from the ground, initially blocked the main air flight path between the U.S. east coast and Europe. On Friday, the cloud's trajectory was taking it over northern France and Austria and into eastern and central Russia at about 25 mph (40 kph).

Fearing that microscopic particles of highly abrasive ash could endanger passengers by causing aircraft engines to fail, authorities shut down air space over Britain, Ireland, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Belgium. That halted flights at Europe's two busiest airports — Heathrow in London and Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris — as well as dozens of other airports, 25 in France alone.

Air space restrictions were lifted, imposed or extended Friday as the cloud moved.

Italian aviation authorities were closing airspace in northern Italy on Saturday until midday, with airports in Milan and Venice to close.

Germany shut down all of its international airports, including Munich and Frankfurt, Europe's third-busiest terminal.

Sweden and Norway declared skies in the far north to be safe but kept a lockdown on flights to both capitals — Stockholm and Oslo.

Aviation officials said Saturday morning that the air over England would remain closed to flights until at least 1 p.m. (1200 GMT, 8 a.m. EDT) Saturday, and British Airways announced it was canceling all of its flights to and from London airports late Friday and on Saturday. Airspace restrictions in Scotland and Northern Ireland have been lifted, and Irish aviation authorities reopened airports in Dublin and Cork.

In France, airports in Paris and about 20 other locations in northern France will remain closed until at least midday Saturday.

Belgium extended its flight restrictions until late Saturday morning.

Switzerland, Slovakia, Croatia and Hungary closed their airspace, and Poland expanded its no-fly zone to most of the country, excluding Krakow.

Australia's Qantas cancelled all flights to Europe on Saturday, and said it was not known when flights would resume.

Iceland, a nation of 320,000 people, sits on a large volcanic hot spot in the Atlantic's mid-oceanic ridge and has a history of devastating eruptions. One of the worst was the 1783 eruption of the Laki volcano, which spewed a toxic cloud over Europe, killing tens of thousands.

Associated Press Writers Robert Barr, Jennifer Quinn and Jane Wardell in London, Karl Ritter and Louise Nordstrom in Stockholm, Melissa Eddy and Verena Schmitt-Roschmann in Berlin, Ciaran Giles in Madrid, Bradley Klapper and Frank Jordans in Geneva, Ian MacDougall in Oslo and Pauline Jelinek in Washington contributed to this report.


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